Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beginning to respond!

I spoke to my brother a few days ago about Dylan. They are both still at Cincinnati Childrens Hosp. Dylan is getting chemo and radiation treatments. He is also busy with Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Respiratory Therapy. My brother says they are on the go a lot due to all the therapies and that Dylan is doing well. Please keep them in your prayers or send some good vibes out into the universe. - Lori

Dylan is beginning to respond to treatments and has begun speaking again. His dad reports he recited his ABC's and counted to 10 which is supposed to be a good sign at this stage. - Jeff


  1. Hi, This is Arin. I'm from Children's in Columbus. I have been wondering about Dylan for quite sometime. Reading that he is responding to treatment brings joy to my heart. If there is anything i can do to help in anyway, please let me know.

    Keep up the good work, Dylan. My prayers are with you and your dad!

